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A Faith Worthy of Mimicking

Writer's picture: Trudy LoneskyTrudy Lonesky

Train up a child in the way he should go;

    even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 ESV

My 17 year old and I were on our way to his very first college visit. This college in particular was a Christian school, Asbury in fact, the college that is known for its weeks of revival on campus. In preparation for meeting with admissions, I told my son that it would be likely that they would ask for his testimony and how he became a Christian. His response…”It’s all I’ve ever known. I grew up in a Christian home.”

Commence the tears. It’s all he’s ever known…my goal as a mom is complete (okay, I have 3 other children, my work isn’t completely done). You see, I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. I didn’t experience the love of Jesus on the daily so it was my sole purpose as a mom to make sure my kids know Him. That they understand His character, feel His presence, and walk out their daily struggles knowing that they are loved and cherished by the God of ALL creation. That they don’t have to look any further than God Himself to fulfill any need, want, or desire. 

Sometimes it’s easy to go through the motions of being a mom and underestimate the impact we have on our children. Dirty diapers, having to discipline the same behavior over and over again, laundry piled sky high, and food all over the floor isn’t all that glamorous and can sometimes feel mundane.  The truth of the matter is, this is kingdom work whether it feels like it or not. The nitty, gritty groundwork we do from infancy to the time our children fly the nest is important.

Little eyes are watching and therefore, the way we choose to live out our lives matters. When we are struggling, where do we turn? Do our kids see that our focus is on Jesus? Can they see that in the hard times we fix our eyes on Him because we know without a shadow of doubt that He will be the one who sees us through. Do they see us studying His word? Do they witness our worship? Not just on Sundays but every day that ends in y. Is He our comforter, our provider, our all in all? Can our children visibly see it? Are we the example of the Christian that we want our children to mimic? That can feel weighty and heavy but thank goodness for God’s grace in those not so stellar moments when we lose our cool. When we do lose our minds, do we apologize and admit our shortcomings and our need for God’s grace?

“Your motherhood will outlive you and live inside your children forever.” ~unknown

I don’t know about you but I want the faith that I hold so near and dear to my heart to be generational. It doesn’t fade when I pass away but is carried on for generations to come. 

Your Fellow Able Mom,


Dear Heavenly Father,

Give us the strength and courage to live out our faith for our children to witness. Let the peace that only comes from You be seen in us and because of this our faith will be carried on to our children and our children's’ children. 

In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen.

Connect with Trudy:

 IG: trudy_lonesky

Books: “Reclaim Her Heart”

“Confidently Crowned”

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