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Messy Transitions

Writer's picture: Monica SotolongoMonica Sotolongo

Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left. 

Isaiah 30:21 

As a mom of 8, I am almost daily in transition. While I honor and value structure and order, there is a certain spontaneity needed for having such a large family. Transitions are a huge part of that. Transition from bed to morning routine; transitions to school, sports, homework, dinner, conversations, and back to bed. So many transitions in a day, and individually with every child to honor their needs in the moment

However, there are also big transitions. We have had our fair share of those as a foster, adoptive, and missionary family. We have lived out of suitcases for months in Ukraine during our second adoption, as well as hurriedly packed for quick trips overseas. We have prepared our home to receive siblings sets of foster children, as well as 3 new adopted children. These have felt like substantial transitions for us as a family.

Transition can be messy. It demands attention. It takes much intentionality to look at the face of Jesus and refuse to partner with the chaos. But it is worth it every time. While transition can feel chaotic or disillusioned, we, as daughters of God, know the One whose name is PEACE. He knows the solution, the strategy, and the answer to every question. As the verse above mentions, His voice will be behind us telling us to go right, or to go left. I have learned to intentionally and heavily lean on the voice of my Father, so much so that now I don't just lean in transition, but at all times. I wake up and tell him “Good morning!”, and then begin the tasks of my day; talking with Him often, and asking Him questions throughout the day. His voice truly does come behind me, showing me everything I need to know.

Some of you may find yourself in the middle of a mundane or milestone transition. Maybe it hasn't felt like a moment, but a hard and messy season. I want to encourage you today, that your Father sees you. He knows that just like in the final stages of birthing, transition can be messy. Your emotions can be high and feel overwhelming. Your patience can feel depleted. Your hopes can be deferred, and you may not see your way through. He is right behind you. His voice is calling out to you which way to go. I pray today as you stop, breathe, and ask for His help, that His peace would overwhelm you like a waterfall of His tenderness. He is faithful. Don't give up. Just turn your ear and listen for Him.

Your Fellow Able Mom,


God, I thank you for giving me the Spirit of truth! Jesus , Your Word says that you are faithful to lead and guide us in every season. I thank you that we can especially trust and lean on you in messy and hard moments. .Thank you for teaching me to be dependent on you daily. And thank You for the fruit that it will bear in my own life and family. We love you! In Jesus name, Amen”

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