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Mom, Where Are You?

Writer's picture: Ann PaytonAnn Payton

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28 NIV

My roommate in my head is talking while I work. 

You are running out of time. (big sigh). You must get three more executive signatures for this marketing campaign today. Don’t forget dinner, what are you going to make? You need something healthy, no more drive-through dinners. Shoot, you forgot the baseball game tonight, ok it is hotdogs and popcorn. Focus Ann, you need the signatures first. Oh, and don’t forget to breathe, Ann [deep breath]”

I am exhausted. Calgon, take me away... Ha, at 10 pm?!

Sound familiar?  As Christian women and mothers, we have more than enough to do. We strive to be good mothers along with work, taking care of older parents, careers, or businesses. We try to do it all, and we want it done right. The burden lies heavy on our souls. When we are at work, we think of family duties, and when we are with family, we think of work duties.

God, I must look up your scriptures about burdens and rest. Found it: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

The day it all hit me, my daughter was in her bed waiting for me to tuck her in. “Mom, you are gone a lot, and when you are here, it’s like you really aren’t here.” BOOM! I felt an explosion in my head and heart.

Out of the mouths of babes. She’s a very observant girl. My children do not see me asking for help from others or stopping to pray for guidance and rest. I want my children to see me stop, close my eyes, and pray. This is the best way I can show them how much I need Jesus.

I stopped and sat down on her bed. We talked and prayed. She helped me slow down and take notice that I wasn’t always present with her. I needed to spend quality time with her. I had a revelation at that moment that I could do better with prayer and God’s guidance.

Thank you, Jesus, for my children. Thank you for your scripture and guidance.

I’m happy to report that I’m doing better with prayer and God’s guidance. Those brilliant words from my daughter come back to me when I feel the pull of those old habits. God used my daughter as a vessel that day, and I will never forget that experience. I am grateful that I am never alone in this life. I can stop and pray for guidance at any time. Moms, give it a try. Close your eyes and ask Jesus for guidance, give your burden to Him, and rest. Take a deep breath in and out slowly. This will bring peace to you and your body.

I’m reminded of a song in church that complements this devotion: Run to the Father by Cody Carnes. Here are a few lyrics from the song:

I’ve carried a burden for too long on my own. 

I wasn’t created to bear it alone. 

I hear Your invitation to let it all go.

I run to the Father, I fall into grace. 

I’m done with the hiding, no reason to wait.

Listen to the song here.

Dear Father, thank you for offering rest and peace during my journey on this earth. Please guide me every minute of the day and remind me what is really important. Let your light shine through me. In Jesus' holy name, Amen

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