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Unforgettable Moments

Writer's picture: Celeste ClabornCeleste Claborn

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

“Seek the Lord and live,” Amos 5:6a

While preparing my kids’ breakfast a few days ago, I was overwhelmed by all the changes I’ve experienced over the last year — how uncomfortable something so simple as routinely cooking waffles felt.

We sold our house last March, one we had lived in for 7 years, and where all three of our sweet babies were born. Loads of memories eeked their way into our moving boxes and then simply sat in storage while we took a month-long RV trip. We then moved to another country for 4 months, and lastly, we took the most daring leap yet and moved out of state to Colorado. With everything so fresh, it’s hard not to miss “home” back in Texas and all the people that I left behind.

I whispered to the Lord that morning, “Lord, what am I doing here? What is your purpose in all of this? I can handle the mundane task of fixing breakfast anywhere. Why here?”

And then, I saw it.

There leaning against my kitchen backsplash was a sign…a literal sign, with the sweet words of Amos 5:6a, which says “Seek the Lord and live.” I had put it on a plaque and given it to my husband for Christmas a couple of years ago. And one of the first things he did when we arrived at our new house was put that plaque right there where I stood making the kids’ breakfast. God saw my jumbled mind and fragile heart, and He began taking all the complexities and the uncertainties, and boiling it down to two simple things. SEEK HIM. LIVE. And in the seeking, He promises you will find! And in the finding comes life more abundantly! He is the purpose of life itself, and He is sooo worth seeking after.

Being uprooted feels so unnatural, yet we can feel our spiritual roots growing stronger and pushing deeper into the foundation that can never be uprooted from. We can trust that He will guide our steps. I may not know what is around the next corner, but in that moment, God wanted me to see just how valuable it was to simply make my kids their breakfast right where He had me. When we seek Him, He infiltrates each moment making it special no matter how routine it may be. He saw me and reminded me that right then and there, like Abraham, like Hannah, like Mary, like Amos, I was living out His purpose.

Sometimes, we think our comfort comes from knowing exactly what we are supposed to be doing. We need that 10 step plan. We want a honey-do list even though we would never admit that we want one. But instead of allowing our comfort to come from knowing what to do, what if we found our comfort in knowing what He’s already done? What if we truly rested in His love so much that we allowed Him to extravagantly pour Himself in and through us? What if we stopped trying to add our “own” meaning to each moment and just gave all our moments to Him? When we know Him, then every moment with Him matters. When we seek Him, we find that He sought us first. When we let ourselves be found by Him, then we learn what it means to really LIVE.

Your fellow Able Mom,

Celeste Claborn

Lord, help us to allow You to bring “Your” meaning to our lives. May we see value in the little moments because You’re there with us, and that makes every moment momentous. Amen.

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