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Work in Progress

Writer's picture: Meredith BoggsMeredith Boggs

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 ESV

We remodeled one of the bathrooms in our home recently which meant weeks of paint, tile, tools and the mess of it all. The first week wasn’t a big deal; I was excited for the work we were finally having done in the bathroom and couldn't wait to see the finished product. So I overlooked the mess without much thought. But over the next few weeks, I became increasingly frustrated with the mess. The bathroom was out of commission and unable to be used for the time, and my impatience grew while waiting for the project to be completed.

Our bathroom remodel reminded me of everything else in my life that felt like a work in progress, unfinished, and in process. I don’t like unfinished projects; I want it done neatly, cleaned up, and all tidied. My faith is no different. Some days I am weary of the journey and the sinful patterns I slip back into; I long for the day of completion where I will stand before the throne of God in heaven, healed, whole, and home. Paul reminds us in the book of Philippians that God began a good work in us, and He will bring it to completion. God’s not finished, He’s working amidst the mess. As frustrating as the mess may be, it’s only temporary, like my bathroom remodel.

God is doing a mighty work in and through us; He is making us new and beautiful in His perfect timing. He has promised, and He is faithful; He will not abandon us but will bring to completion the good work He began in our hearts and lives.

Even when we grow weary and get frustrated with what’s incomplete, He never loses sight of the beauty He is bringing forth in us. He never grows weary of the work in progress. He began a good and beautiful work in us, and He will bring it to completion. We can find rest and hope in that truth amidst all that is unfinished.

Your fellow Able Mom,

Meredith Boggs

Father, help me to be patient in the process and trust Your timing with the progress. May I see the beauty around me even in the mess. You make everything beautiful in its time, and I thank You for that promise. Don't miss our version of moms-night-out every Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. CST - laugh with your Able Moms team live on Facebook (Not an Able Mom Member yet?) Join us! Start here Follow Able Moms on IG at

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