Can you outrun the fears that have robbed you of peace and convinced you that your children can't be safe in this broken world? Can you really thrive at the intersection of awareness and fearless? If you answered, "I don't really know", can you risk waiting to give motherhood your best shot?
"My name is Amanda. I am convinced that our two-year-old daughter was the potential victim of a sex-trafficking scam yesterday."
This is the first line of the sincere warning Amanda shared after a stranger pulled her daughter from her arms in a grocery store. And the viral response proved something crucial: Every mom can relate to care and concern for her child(ren).
Set to the behind-the-scenes details of her incredible story, Amanda is uniquely qualified to give unwavering advice and personal examples that will help you:
- Mother completely liberated from your mom-fears and resist crumbling in defeat when tempted by them
- Outsmart a child trafficker with the empowering facts you must know
- Find healing from the feelings trauma leaves behind by mastering how to mother fiercely
- Cultivate your own narrative of freedom and thereby fulfill God's intention for you to free others
Inspiring moms like Abby Johnson of the movie Unplanned, Ginger Sprouse, Alisa Jordheim, Anita Oomman, and even FBI officers praise Unraveled as a needed message and impactful journey for every mother today.