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Terms and Conditions


  1. All attendees to local AMI Communities must be registered as Members. Coordinators receive record of all registered Members and are responsible for adherence. Communities who do not register all their Members, by code or payment, are eligible for fines up to $500, so please be sure that anyone using our proprietary materials is registered. Attendees of the local Community may not attend more than once as a “visitor” and will not receive access to materials until they become paid and “active” Members of Able Moms. This excludes visiting family, out-of-town guests, or members from other Able Mom communities. 

  2. Host church communication is welcomed and encouraged in order to best support local Communities and improvements. We ask that Coordinators correspond and that inquiries are sent via Membership Support to

  3. Please allow 2-4 weeks to receive anything shipped by mail; promotionals, banners, gifts, etc.

  4. Church Hosts and Home Hosts must pay the seasonal Host Registration Fee due immediately upon application. Any non-payment, returned payments, or non-compliance will result in interruption or deactivation of your membership and a fee of $40 for non-payment. An additional reactivation fee of $40 is also required.

  5. Neglecting to use the free materials awarded annually by the Matt Netzer Scholarship will be reassigned and re-awarded to an actively interested Recipient.

  6. Able Moms International does not discriminate against race, color, creed, religious affiliation, or personal preferences. However, Able Moms International does require that all Hosts and Members have read and agree to our stated policies and Statement of Faith prior to Registration. Registration and payment confirms a party has read, agrees, and is excited to work in partnership towards our mission. 

  7. Should the local community not adhere to the statement of faith, agreements, or terms and conditions, Able Moms will notify the host church of non-compliance. The local Host has the right to respond to non-compliance and rectify the issue prior to the next scheduled Gathering. In the case that Able Moms determines the non-compliance as continuing negligently and without the desire for restoration, Able Moms reserves the right to deactivate a local community without financial reimbursement. The Host would be able to re-apply the following year by first proving a willingness to comply and paying any outstanding balances.

  8. Local Hosts reserve the right to deny Membership at the local level regardless of Able Moms International Terms and Conditions and AMI is not held responsible for these independent decisions.

  9. Local Hosts must retain their own liability insurance as Able Moms is not liable.

  10. Able Mom Memberships are transferable within the season from one Community to another with no additional fees incurred by Able Moms International.

  11. The Coordinator of the local Able Moms ministry must attend a Bible believing church.

  12. Able Moms MOMents are often created by physicians or professionals offering their personal opinions and advice. Able Moms International does not remotely suggest this advice reflects what is best for every child nor does it take the place of medical advice or attention. You should always consult your doctor, lawyer, or personal advisor first as Able Moms International does not assume liability for decisions made by consenting Able Moms Members, Coordinators, Mentors, Hosts, or any other applying affiliates, and therefore you release Able Moms International from all legal liability.

  13. All the materials, logos, or branding created herein or provided to you as a paying Host, Coordinator, or Member and is the intellectual property of Able Moms International and should be used for the express purpose of fulfilling a paid membership. These materials cannot be reproduced or used without the consent of or used beyond the limitations of the membership purchase without approval by Able Moms International.  If you cannot find our AMI branded logos or need different files, please contact

  14. As Memberships are only accessible for their current season, deactivation occurs every 12 months to prepare for the upcoming registration. The Able Moms team works hard and reusing materials without permission is stealing from the ministry’s efforts. 

  15. Able Moms agrees to guard and protect your information. Able Moms strictly prohibits soliciting and asks that any Community alert us to individual soliciting we may not be aware of. Able Moms will, however, pass along directly from our organization to you as a Member or Host, discounts, resources, and services from businesses or organizations we deem credible and align with the Able Moms International brand, mission, and vision.

  16. Ask about a Host Plus packages where you are eligible for up to 50 Members. More than 50 Members per Host will result in additional cost; $200 for each additional 50 members. Most Hosts use this as a way to encourage timely sign ups.

  17. Lastly, Able Moms places the burden on Hosts, Members, and leaders to thoroughly read and consider all documentation herein, ask questions, and pray about their commitment prior to Registration. Able Moms International, therefore, does not provide reimbursement to Hosts, leaders, or Members for concerns related to policies, procedures, statements, terms & conditions, or anything other information made available herein as required for Registration. Nor, does Able Moms International take legal responsibility for decisions, indiscretions, issues, or concerns as each Community operates at the local level of their own accord. We support each Community in their own success, which we have seen time over time. 

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